Monday 17 August 2015

Ignoring Your IT Infrastructure Isn't Cheap

I recently read an article posted on InformationWeek (by Jonathan Feldman) which spoke to the reasons most common for a company defaulting on its reduced IT spending. I loved the fact the article made it about people and process, not just dollars and cents. His points on overstating risk, feeling disconnected from IT, and that “everything is fine” are common attitudes and opinions I run into every day. Companies often do not take IT seriously enough and undervalue the impact technology has on the heart and soul of an organization.

Now, do companies need to overspend on infrastructure and technology? I wish…But no, they don't. Rather, companies need to ensure IT and technology enables people and process and facilitates growth and wellness inside an organization. Too often you encounter people and processes behind a curtain that is never pulled open. A proper evaluation of the impact technology can and would have is a first great step. I recently ran into an organization that devalues IT so much that it is now affecting its core business. I don’t want to say I told you so but, well, I did. Currently, they are on track with a proper evaluation of what and when things should occur. Are they spending money? No, but they don’t have to be right away as long as they are taking action and listening to the people behind the curtain.

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