Wednesday 26 August 2015

The Rising Importance of Video Surveillance

It isn’t often I write up about the new camera technology we see every day. I should, as it is a part of our business that fascinates me, but I don’t think it gets enough attention because it seems to be a “been there - done that” type of business. Surveillance technology has been around for a long time, thereby, I think what gets forgotten is the fact that it too changes daily and the stuff we see is amazing.

I read an article written by Jill Delaney from our partner, Exacq Technologies, and on the surface it seems boring, just another dome camera. But what you read when you get into this article along with the video - is insane. So much so that homeowners like myself should start taking this seriously.  Facial recognition in low light / high contrast situations could mean an end to security breaches, theft, curb violence and vandalism and, therefore, provide piece of mind.  Now, of course the Big Brother theory will get tossed around, but there is a happy medium in there somewhere. Especially given the fact the Internet has proven time and time again that Big Brother is already here and in our face, whether we like it or not. 

Every company out there should look into video surveillance, invest in video surveillance, and utilize it more frequently. Click through our website or call us to find out more. Here is the article on the new camera I looked at recently:

Monday 17 August 2015

Ignoring Your IT Infrastructure Isn't Cheap

I recently read an article posted on InformationWeek (by Jonathan Feldman) which spoke to the reasons most common for a company defaulting on its reduced IT spending. I loved the fact the article made it about people and process, not just dollars and cents. His points on overstating risk, feeling disconnected from IT, and that “everything is fine” are common attitudes and opinions I run into every day. Companies often do not take IT seriously enough and undervalue the impact technology has on the heart and soul of an organization.

Now, do companies need to overspend on infrastructure and technology? I wish…But no, they don't. Rather, companies need to ensure IT and technology enables people and process and facilitates growth and wellness inside an organization. Too often you encounter people and processes behind a curtain that is never pulled open. A proper evaluation of the impact technology can and would have is a first great step. I recently ran into an organization that devalues IT so much that it is now affecting its core business. I don’t want to say I told you so but, well, I did. Currently, they are on track with a proper evaluation of what and when things should occur. Are they spending money? No, but they don’t have to be right away as long as they are taking action and listening to the people behind the curtain.

Microsoft Says 'Laptops Are Obsolete' - We Say Differently

The article, Microsoft Just Made Laptops Obsolete, by Chris Lau provides me with a message I am all too familiar with. Sure, there are some great points being made - however, reading it may also result in a headache. I find there's a lot of tech-talk that doesn't really tell you why Microsoft will make laptops obsolete. Sure, "technically" you wouldn't need the power of a laptop or desktop once Windows 10 is completely in the picture, and the processing power of the smartphone is increased tenfold in a few months, other bits are made smaller and faster, and batteries improve, and RAM is shrunk and expanded, and the list goes on and on.

I love my job and I love technology, and I personally live on my smartphone. But, in the working world where we deal with documents, spreadsheets and presentations - you need a device large enough that makes viewing these documents effortless. 

While I am not a huge fan of Microsoft, I do live and breathe many of their other products. The knowledge of being able to go to a client's site and have a PowerPoint presentation on my phone for display on a larger screen, knowing it will work, is simply amazing. As we at High Tech evaluate these Microsoft products for our clients so we may consult and recommend certain software, we take into consideration the fact that technology is moving forward and software is constantly driving better business efficiency.

Take a look:

Exploring the Benefits of Softphone and Mobility Applications

I read the attached blog from one of our Flagship Partners, ShoreTel, and the content is great. Although, I'm still not entirely sure where the title of the article came from, hence my seemingly dry commentary to follow below.

Top 5 Advantages of a Softphone, by Chandler Harris. In my educated opinion, there are definitely many reasons to consider a softphone when looking to upgrade or expand your current phone system. The cost of a softphone is significantly less than a desk phone when you factor in everything involved. The flexibility of a softphone is perfect for people on the move. Now, there are many alternatives that can be chosen from that I would recommend first and foremost, however, a softphone is usually a viable option for clients. My issue with the softphone is the deployment of its applications on PC's that are dated and/or running too many other programs already.

Ever had a Windows update randomly shut down your PC? Now imagine being on an important call with a client or prospect. I love technology, and as I previously mentioned, ShoreTel has a slew of amazing products for clients seeking functionality and flexibility that they're not getting from a desk phone. However, softphones for me, are often deployed in situations where they shouldn't be; causing the advantages to be outweighed by potential issues encountered.

Turning the attention back to ShoreTel's recent blog post. To me, the content didn't completely reflect the advantages of a softphone - as stated in the title. What it did do, was identify some great functionality features that ShoreTel will give to our clients when installed. Each point listed is sensible and should be capitalized on by any organization looking to improve costs and drive efficiency within its workforce.

I do, however, fear that the article will be lost due to its entitled "advantages of a softphone" when softphones have been around for so long that they're somewhat considered "last years solution". Instead, we should be talking about ShoreTel's integrated mobility application that would take your softphone to the next level - yes, there is a next level!

Take a look and see for yourself:

The Importance of Internal Communications

Improving internal communication is key to running a successful company. Recently I read the attached Fast Company article written by Pat Sullivan, and it got me thinking, “How does High Tech factor into the three points he mentions”. Well, I thought about it and talked to a few of my peers. We realized that even though we sometimes fall into a few pitfalls, we do follow these three ideas well. 

First point: Detox from email.  How often do you get stuck in a huge email discussion that was way, way too detailed. What do we do? We get up, walk into someone’s office, have the discussion and close out the conversation – then email the results to ensure the details are not lost. Quick and efficient!

Second Point: Change your structure. While I cannot get into the details of this publicly, we have made significant strides in the recent years to empower our staff with certain responsibilities that in the past were not granted. Opening up certain chests of information that were previously “restricted” due to a fear of providing too much information actually proved to be inefficient. It is amazing how effective an employee can be by sharing significant details that once were deemed “top secret”. Not to say everything is shared, but enough to ensure the company is all moving in the right direction together.

Third Point: Communicate far and wide. I share (many) plans with employees because their insight can be invaluable. Employees have knowledge that you have no idea existed, and smart company’s embrace that knowledge and include them.

Now, how do you enable your organization to accomplish what we and many other successful companies have done? Well that is a trade secret. We could tell you but I’d have to bill you.

Here is the article, enjoy.