Wednesday 11 November 2015

Modern Recruitment Processes

I was drawn to this blog due to the title…"Recruitment Efforts Bolstered by Integrating Applicant Tracking Systems”.  I was drawn to it as I have a difficult time finding great talent in the industry, and being a Sales VP, that is one of my top 5 concerns.  Our organization, just like all of the others, must stay on the front line of recruiting to ensure your resources are as effective as possible.  I was intrigued by this article not only because we can be the provider of the software but because the very resources I use to assist in my recruiting efforts could and would benefit from it.  If the recruiters I use are using this software they are sure to get my business because I know they are investing in both their future and my future.

Here is the article: 

Tuesday 6 October 2015

It's Time to Diversify How We Train Our Staff

This article by dvsAnalytics perfectly describes how we feel about training in the workplace. Over recent years, it's as though employee education and training has become more of a standardized "one-size-fits-all" process. The problem with this is that not all employees are the same, or learn the same way for that matter. It's usually more or less due to the fact that managers and supervisors are too busy to attend each and every employee's needs on a one-to-one basis at anytime any day during the workweek. 

What needs to happen in order to fix this issue is perfectly highlighted in the article. We recommend you read more here:

Wednesday 26 August 2015

The Rising Importance of Video Surveillance

It isn’t often I write up about the new camera technology we see every day. I should, as it is a part of our business that fascinates me, but I don’t think it gets enough attention because it seems to be a “been there - done that” type of business. Surveillance technology has been around for a long time, thereby, I think what gets forgotten is the fact that it too changes daily and the stuff we see is amazing.

I read an article written by Jill Delaney from our partner, Exacq Technologies, and on the surface it seems boring, just another dome camera. But what you read when you get into this article along with the video - is insane. So much so that homeowners like myself should start taking this seriously.  Facial recognition in low light / high contrast situations could mean an end to security breaches, theft, curb violence and vandalism and, therefore, provide piece of mind.  Now, of course the Big Brother theory will get tossed around, but there is a happy medium in there somewhere. Especially given the fact the Internet has proven time and time again that Big Brother is already here and in our face, whether we like it or not. 

Every company out there should look into video surveillance, invest in video surveillance, and utilize it more frequently. Click through our website or call us to find out more. Here is the article on the new camera I looked at recently:

Monday 17 August 2015

Ignoring Your IT Infrastructure Isn't Cheap

I recently read an article posted on InformationWeek (by Jonathan Feldman) which spoke to the reasons most common for a company defaulting on its reduced IT spending. I loved the fact the article made it about people and process, not just dollars and cents. His points on overstating risk, feeling disconnected from IT, and that “everything is fine” are common attitudes and opinions I run into every day. Companies often do not take IT seriously enough and undervalue the impact technology has on the heart and soul of an organization.

Now, do companies need to overspend on infrastructure and technology? I wish…But no, they don't. Rather, companies need to ensure IT and technology enables people and process and facilitates growth and wellness inside an organization. Too often you encounter people and processes behind a curtain that is never pulled open. A proper evaluation of the impact technology can and would have is a first great step. I recently ran into an organization that devalues IT so much that it is now affecting its core business. I don’t want to say I told you so but, well, I did. Currently, they are on track with a proper evaluation of what and when things should occur. Are they spending money? No, but they don’t have to be right away as long as they are taking action and listening to the people behind the curtain.

Microsoft Says 'Laptops Are Obsolete' - We Say Differently

The article, Microsoft Just Made Laptops Obsolete, by Chris Lau provides me with a message I am all too familiar with. Sure, there are some great points being made - however, reading it may also result in a headache. I find there's a lot of tech-talk that doesn't really tell you why Microsoft will make laptops obsolete. Sure, "technically" you wouldn't need the power of a laptop or desktop once Windows 10 is completely in the picture, and the processing power of the smartphone is increased tenfold in a few months, other bits are made smaller and faster, and batteries improve, and RAM is shrunk and expanded, and the list goes on and on.

I love my job and I love technology, and I personally live on my smartphone. But, in the working world where we deal with documents, spreadsheets and presentations - you need a device large enough that makes viewing these documents effortless. 

While I am not a huge fan of Microsoft, I do live and breathe many of their other products. The knowledge of being able to go to a client's site and have a PowerPoint presentation on my phone for display on a larger screen, knowing it will work, is simply amazing. As we at High Tech evaluate these Microsoft products for our clients so we may consult and recommend certain software, we take into consideration the fact that technology is moving forward and software is constantly driving better business efficiency.

Take a look:

Exploring the Benefits of Softphone and Mobility Applications

I read the attached blog from one of our Flagship Partners, ShoreTel, and the content is great. Although, I'm still not entirely sure where the title of the article came from, hence my seemingly dry commentary to follow below.

Top 5 Advantages of a Softphone, by Chandler Harris. In my educated opinion, there are definitely many reasons to consider a softphone when looking to upgrade or expand your current phone system. The cost of a softphone is significantly less than a desk phone when you factor in everything involved. The flexibility of a softphone is perfect for people on the move. Now, there are many alternatives that can be chosen from that I would recommend first and foremost, however, a softphone is usually a viable option for clients. My issue with the softphone is the deployment of its applications on PC's that are dated and/or running too many other programs already.

Ever had a Windows update randomly shut down your PC? Now imagine being on an important call with a client or prospect. I love technology, and as I previously mentioned, ShoreTel has a slew of amazing products for clients seeking functionality and flexibility that they're not getting from a desk phone. However, softphones for me, are often deployed in situations where they shouldn't be; causing the advantages to be outweighed by potential issues encountered.

Turning the attention back to ShoreTel's recent blog post. To me, the content didn't completely reflect the advantages of a softphone - as stated in the title. What it did do, was identify some great functionality features that ShoreTel will give to our clients when installed. Each point listed is sensible and should be capitalized on by any organization looking to improve costs and drive efficiency within its workforce.

I do, however, fear that the article will be lost due to its entitled "advantages of a softphone" when softphones have been around for so long that they're somewhat considered "last years solution". Instead, we should be talking about ShoreTel's integrated mobility application that would take your softphone to the next level - yes, there is a next level!

Take a look and see for yourself:

The Importance of Internal Communications

Improving internal communication is key to running a successful company. Recently I read the attached Fast Company article written by Pat Sullivan, and it got me thinking, “How does High Tech factor into the three points he mentions”. Well, I thought about it and talked to a few of my peers. We realized that even though we sometimes fall into a few pitfalls, we do follow these three ideas well. 

First point: Detox from email.  How often do you get stuck in a huge email discussion that was way, way too detailed. What do we do? We get up, walk into someone’s office, have the discussion and close out the conversation – then email the results to ensure the details are not lost. Quick and efficient!

Second Point: Change your structure. While I cannot get into the details of this publicly, we have made significant strides in the recent years to empower our staff with certain responsibilities that in the past were not granted. Opening up certain chests of information that were previously “restricted” due to a fear of providing too much information actually proved to be inefficient. It is amazing how effective an employee can be by sharing significant details that once were deemed “top secret”. Not to say everything is shared, but enough to ensure the company is all moving in the right direction together.

Third Point: Communicate far and wide. I share (many) plans with employees because their insight can be invaluable. Employees have knowledge that you have no idea existed, and smart company’s embrace that knowledge and include them.

Now, how do you enable your organization to accomplish what we and many other successful companies have done? Well that is a trade secret. We could tell you but I’d have to bill you.

Here is the article, enjoy.

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Using Unified Communications to Improve Your Chain of Command

I normally do not post on these types of topics, but this one I found interesting. About three quarters of the way down the article it talks about how Dr Martens used Unified Communication to improve internal, not external, communication. We often talk (and sometimes struggle) with who and why Unified Communications will benefit an organization. The message is old and stale and almost a ‘been there, done that’ attitude.

Here is a great example of how this successful organization implemented simple technology to improve communication within an organization, better communication between Quality Control and Supply Chain / Manufacturing across the Globe. Not the same old never miss a call as a sales person.

Take a read, I can point to a few of our own clients who have done the same thing, but sometimes it is just nice to look across the pond to see how a client and their needs are very similar no matter where you go.

The Benefits of Integrated Applications in the Workplace

High Tech Communications often preaches the benefits of integrated applications in the workplace.  Long gone are the days of replacing phone systems simply because they are old - you now need a driving reason, one that will help shape your business. I read the attached blog from ShoreTel because it (on the surface) started talking the same language that we speak. However, although the article is not incorrect, I felt it lacked the punch that it deserves.  

Companies look for key competitive advantages to set themselves apart from their competition, this is something that will allow them to accomplish just that. Having information at your fingertips when a client calls your Sales or Service desk is not only time saving (reducing operational costs), but also improves customer satisfaction. This concept is not new, however, it is often lost in translation and sometimes falls by the wayside because it is not sexy. It is just as important now as it was ten years ago. Not to mentions, we (including myself), say the term CRM - but what about other databases within the organization? Tying together an ERP system to the VoIP solution opens up more service possibilities. What are those possibilities? How about automatic call backs based on service history.  CRM is a Sales tool and may not have that information readily available.

Again, this is not to take away from the article as I think it touches upon some key points like ROI and reducing operational costs (Point #4), but not because of a lower phone bill. It is much, much more grand and achievable than that and the message could use some new, enhanced focus. In fact, after reading it a few times I am not sure what point #4 has with this article at all. If you do maybe we should talk live?

Finding the Best Cloud Storage for You

Our marketing team found the attached article, I thought it was a good read and wanted to share it out with our followers. Now, High Tech does not often get into the sale of cloud storage so you may wonder why this topic has come up. The answer is simple: Technology is so tightly intertwined that we often get into value conversations with our clients on every aspect of their business. Knowing what (or where) to the answer is important even if this is not part of your business. I pride myself and our firm for helping companies locate useful information. When business’s look for storage we talk SAN and VM Servers and Terabits, but more often than not the users themselves just need something and send a large PowerPoint to a client or share an Excel file real time across the city. This easily solves those business related issues.

Now, back to the article. At the very end, the most important set of points can be found in the summary. High Tech uses multiple options here from Dropbox to iCloud to OneDrive, and to be honest, each person will say theirs is better than someone else’s for whatever reason. I am a Google fan, I use Google Drive. My kids use iCloud as they are iPhone/iPod users. After reading it and evaluating my own requirements I realize that they are all great, for the most part free, and will provide most people with more storage then they will ever use in their lifetime. Just make sure that when you choose one (or more than one), the other parties you intend to use it with (if this is for business) can access it as easily as you can.

The Importance of Staying Current

“$4!^ happens, design for that fact”. By far my favourite subtitle yet in any of the articles that I have been writing on. This article from GFI, a long standing partner of High Tech, simply points out that staying current, listening to instructions, and ensuring change control measures are in place are positive practices to have in your business.
The best part of the article talks about the stuff you don’t plan for... So plan for it. People believe their businesses are immune to failure or errors, but they are not. The worst part is that many people do not plan for it because they believe it is complicated and expensive. I will draw a comparison to ShoreTel, a communication system solution we implement. In order to provide true and lasting redundancy your simply need to add an appliance. If that sounds simple, it's because it is.
When GFI talks about redundancy, it is along a similar path. Add in a secondary server or migrate to Cloud or VMWare. Build yourself up and keep the infrastructure current. Nothing is worse than having a state of the art facility from 2010 when it is 2015. How do you effectively implement a state current solution? That is where we come in, but before we do, please read this article and ask yourself if you think a few minutes of your time is worth the discussion.  And before you answer, yes it is. Make the time, have the conversation, keep your technology current.

Is It Time to Rethink the Desktop Phone?

Now this comment is true mainly because I am in the technology field, but I often get into the conversation around desk phones versus, well, whatever the alternative is. At one point I thought as many others did, and that the desk phone was dead. No one wanted to spend the money on a piece of hardware that would sit there and collect dust. I have actually had CEO’s and President’s come up to me and say they want all phones removed from our quotes because no one wants a desk phone anymore. While I applaud the notion that we are evolving into something new, I believe that the desk phone will be with us for the foreseeable future. I am up to debate this, and I will also debate it with myself; but even through all of the hype over the latest smartphone, softphones, and how no one can live without these devices when you go to the office a desk phone is still there waiting for you.

Where do I see the change happening soon? As a sales person on the road I never want to see a desk phone. Simply because there is no point. As a service technician of any nature I never want to see a desk phone. Again, a headset on a mobile is better. Given the way technology can adapt and integrate, this makes perfect sense. Now, as someone who is tied to your desk, say inside sales or accounting then desk phones should still exist. Well, even then some would argue but I say bring the argument on. I enjoy talking about the merits of how the world will change because Apple came out with a new device and ShoreTel has a dock for it. Oh wait…I have an Android.


Microsoft Vs. Google: The Debate Forges On

Microsoft versus Google… The debate continues. To me, this is no different than Apple versus Android - to each their own, and if you choose one that you like better because of the look and feel, just stick with it. I prefer Android for those that care, but if I was to look at Google versus Microsoft, I prefer Microsoft. Why? I am familiar with it - pretty simple really. For years I have perfected my macros and shortcut keys to the point where I am faster without a mouse then with one. As long as Microsoft stays current with its upgrades and feature sets, and the competition charge for their services equal to what Microsoft charges, change is hard to justify. Now, with that said I have looked deeper into this and evaluated both technologies for my personal use. I am not one to stay status quo without doing my due diligence as I recommend each of you do as well.

If you want to cheat, the chart right in the middle of the article gives you most of what you need to know.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

Out With Windows 2003 and In With Windows 10

Well the day is here, I guess it has been coming for a long time and will drag on for even longer - but Windows 2003 Server end of support is upon us!  I was reminded of this fact after reading the attached article from Justin Warren, a contributor to Forbes. The style of this article reminded me of how I would write a full article. My favourite part was at the bottom of the 2ndpage, a comment about the underlying reasons for the Windows Upgrade mess and how it is a Business Problem… Not just an IT problem.

He commented that 25% of users did not want their systems offline for too long. I would argue that figure is much higher, and in many cases it is business critical that when going through Server Upgrades the infrastructure is not offline at all. One truth we live in day to day is that our clients simply do not have the IT resources to make this happen, or to execute on this type of upgrade. Justin does bring this to light in the article in addition to some other great points… Take a read:

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Private Cloud Computing: Free vs. Paid

I have been known to say that "you get what you pay for". After years of working with multiple manufacturers, I have gained much insight into the 'real world', a world that consists of pay too little and too much for the products and services your business is run on.

In the included article, point three really stands out to me, mainly because I deal with this each and every day. What's being discussed here is freeware versus paidware (OK that's not a real word, but you get where I'm going with this). Specific to this article, you have a ton of freeware that you can use to run your business, but really?

Freeware comes with the free version of support, yes, the user groups that will cost you twice as much money (versus paid support) in lost salary finding the answer to your problems. That's time that you should have been using improving processes or finding new clients. Not to mention, by the time the new shiny toy has been released, your free support team has moved on - leaving you hanging while your business suffers.

Anyway, enough about the issue of free support - there are many other good points raised in this article, and I encourage you to read more.

Growing the Value of Video Conferencing

Have you ever wondered why some companies have jumped all over video and some others have not? I have been speaking to video solutions for 15 years and it never ceases to amaze me how many of the conversations go.

In the past, eliminating travel has been a great driver to initiate the conversation, however; are you really going to stop the CEO from travelling to San Diego for a three day trip? Funny enough, I find myself speaking to the elimination of travel more so crossing a city, not a country. No one wants to drive to the remote office when you have to spend 2 hours on the 401!

Thankfully, systems and technology have evolved to become unbelievably affordable. Free…well that is a topic for another post because you do get what you pay for. However, going back to the why - take a read from this article done by Polycom and Quocirca sent to over 800 businesses. You'll find great insight and information.

Friday 5 June 2015

RAD Makes WAN Management and Monitoring a Breeze

High Tech Communications has deployed and managed a significant number of data and voice enabled networks throughout Ontario. Our client's systems range from simple point-to-point designs to complete mesh-type networks with many locations unified by using multiple connectivity types (Fibre, Wireless, DSL, etc.).

Once the system is set up and running is when the real fun begins. It's at this point when our clients look to us to manage the extremely important next step - managing the system. We currently use a number of different technologies to manage, diagnose, troubleshoot and repair countless issues - yet, to this day, our clients still ask what we recommend.

Since we pride ourselves on tried, tested and true solutions, our opinions derive from real success - and real pain at times. As a network systems integrator, our solution is this: For every cause to a network issue, there is a solution. The trick is to identify what you need to manage, find a solution you are comfortable with, then narrow it down to one that best works for you.

Our experience has allowed us to provide best practise solutions when clients engage us in such discussions. The most recent application we have explored is provided by RAD - their MiNID devices make WAN management and monitoring easy to utilise.

Read the business case below, and if you are interested in knowing how this is better, or different, than the solutions you currently use today, call High Tech - we can help you.

Are Businesses Too Slow to Seize Digital Tools?

I have always somewhat suspected that businesses are leery when it comes to implementing newer technologies based on how customers have reacted during previous conversations, and this article by CTV News solidifies that. It also points out something I've mentioned to my customers before - as a society, we seem to be at ease upgrading our technology systems at home, but when it comes to the work space that mentality is significantly lacking.

I've shared it with you here:

Google's Managing Director, Sam Sebastian, says only half of small and medium businesses in Canada have their own website, while fewer than one in three use cloud computing.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Extending Your Business Over Cellular

I found the article very interesting, I myself have spoken to hundreds of customers about the flexibility and functionality you could get by extending your business over Cellular.  The true mobility, the enhanced redundancy, the ability to have really small offices communicating seamlessly over a cellular device…the possibilities are endless. 

I can’t think of how often I have looked at extending service through the Internet for the offices with one and two employees, here we have a developing technology that will (again) truly revolutionize how businesses expand and roll out into new territories.

Imagine a sales person starting up in a new town, someone who requires voice and data applications that seamlessly integrate into the corporate infrastructure… all from their Smartphone. If their voice communications (IM, Video, and Voice) is on ShoreTel, then let the sales team grow!

Thursday 21 May 2015

ShoreTel Mobility and the Apple Watch

ShoreTel recently announced their new version of ShoreTel Mobility that is designed for the Apple watch. While I think this is pretty cool (I use ShoreTel Mobility on my Android Smartphone today), I like the fact this article spoke about other applications that were relevant to the everyday business user.

Now, I am the first person to wonder why I need an Apple Watch…What will it give me that will make my life easier? This article actually did steer me into the direction of wanting this new gadget.

Why? Well…Being a person that delivers a ton of presentations, and occasionally has brilliant thoughts at random intervals throughout the day, this device has the perfect app for handling both. Read on through to see what I am talking about:

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Health Care Professionals Are in Need of Better Communication Technology

When I read the attached article, I could only nod my head and agree. High Tech Communications Inc. works with a large number of health care facilities from small Doctor offices to a few large Hospitals, and we see the struggle these institutions have with their technology. Often budgets are not there to make the desperately needed improvements that would allow the facility and its staff to become more productive, and it is scary how long it could go on before these updates are implemented.

With constant cuts to budget and staffing, I believe the improvement to overall health care in this province must come from multiple sources and multiple approaches. One of those approaches should be to better enable the staff that are on the front line by equipping them with technology to make their tasks easier and enable them to become more productive. If you agree let me know, if you don’t I would love to hear your take on this issue also.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Top Ways Businesses Should Manage Mobile Workers

When I read articles posted by our partner, ShoreTel, I traditionally think Telecom and Unified Communications - as do many of our clients. However, I read this and I was a little taken aback, but in a good way. In bold is a statistic, "24.7 percent saving on fuel costs". First things first, why is ShoreTel talking about fuel savings?

It's not less time on the road because they saved three minutes per day over fifty users talking 25% less to someone somewhere. It's an app one of their clients deployed and integrated into their mobile application that traditionally was used for eliminating the roaming charges on cell phones.

Really? That's pretty cool. The article also talks about establishing policies, but that's a given. Take a read, and once you are done, call High Tech - because we would love to chat about this to get out of the day-to-day traditional conversations.

Why Your Network Isn't Ready for the Internet of Things

Why your Network isn't ready for the Internet of Things... Interesting title for an article. Essentially, it's stating that Avaya's SDN Fx technology is the answer to the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) issue within corporations.

Personally, I believe they do have a point. We have been deploying Avaya IP for some time and they have some great products. But... What else is out there? I really enjoy being in the position to recommend technology that suits the client while not being bound to a single manufacturer. I prefer taking a 10,000 foot approach and working with a client to better understand what they want and design it for them, then dig deeper.

We work with a number of solutions that seem to change on an hourly basis. Therefore, understanding the core of what they do and how they fit is extremely important to ensuring a successful integration into the culture of our clients' business.

With all that said, we have nothing but good things to say about our business partner, Avaya, and their networking technology is something to read about... So read on:

Tuesday 5 May 2015

What is SIP Trunking?

In the ever changing world of technology, our clients look to find the better, faster, cheaper methods to communicate. One surefire way to lower your monthly operational expense is to explore the world of SIP trunking. One of our partners, OneConnect, recently posted this article that describes SIP trunking and some of the benefits associated with the technology.

Now, as a value added vendor who has recommended, installed, and repaired SIP trunking issues; I have to say that yes... SIP trunking is something that we recommend clients explore, BUT, not jump right into without first clearly understanding the risks (and rewards) this technology will offer.

So, what are these risks and rewards? Well, they differ depending on the needs and wants of the client, so it's sort of impossible to list them all. In fact, I will mention only one of each because this deserves and entire afternoon of discussion on a sunny patio somewhere. That being said, the biggest benefit of SIP Trunking is definitely cost. This technology can and should save you in monthly cost if the network you are running on is already in place. Even if it's not, partners like OneConnect make it easy to get there. On the other side of the matter, the biggest risk to SIP Trunking is networking. The network you ride your SIP Trunk across must be solid and well provisioned if anything at all. Will a standard DSL service handle the call volume of a 40 user call center? No secret here... not a chance. However, there are cost effective ways of reducing and eliminating this element of risk that clients have been, and should continue to explore.

Monday 4 May 2015

Finding Balance at Work and Home

Today’s discussion takes a leap far, far away from the technology and solution set that High Tech represents. This topic addresses something much more important, something that drives the High Tech working culture. 

Throughout my career, up until only a few years ago, I did a poor job of maintaining a healthy work / life balance.  I drove myself to the brink many days and nights thinking that spending that extra 2-3 hours would provide a better life for myself, my family, friends, and co-workers.  It took some pretty deep soul searching to realize I was looking at this the wrong way and that my life was anything but healthy and productive.  For the past few years as a Manager and VP I have tried to instill a healthy balance in for myself and my family, and I have taken that message to all of the employees I manage and interact with on a daily basis.

In addition, I took it one step further where I moved to work with a company that instills the same mentality in their working environment.  Now, there are days where that all goes out the window, but in general the focus on family is paramount to staying healthy both in mind and body.  By doing so you are not only living a better life outside of work…but you are living a better, more productive life in the office.

Please take a moment to read the attached article and pass it on to those that you care about and work with.  If your office does not recognize the value of a healthy work / life balance then take steps to make that change.  My two favourite points are around taking proper breaks (remember to eat often) and that stress crosses many boundaries and work stress comes home and has a direct influence over mental and family health.

Wednesday 29 April 2015

Reducing Mobile Insecurity in the Workplace

I recently read the following article posted by Aruba Networks, and thought I would share it and my thoughts on the matter.  As a VP in the technology sales-world I find myself preaching and marketing the whole idea of a truly mobile workforce.  The benefits companies could achieve from enabling their employees with the technology that allows them to work far beyond the 8 to 5 is still drastically undervalued.  Maybe, just maybe, they read these articles and get cold feet... Thereby, delaying the execution and implementation of mobilizing their staff due to the fear’s instilled upon them by what they read online.

In this article Aruba does a great job of clearly identifying that, yes…there is a concern…but, no…you do not need to sacrifice your business because of this concern.  There are solutions!  There are ways to provide the flexibility companies strive for by identifying the risk and putting in place the basic measures to ensure staff do not accidentally send a company’s client database to the competition when they allow their kids to play Candy Crush on their work Smartphone.

High Tech has partnered with Aruba for some time now, and in combination we are prepared to offer you all of the tools needed to make your business a unified communications success!

Contact a specialized communications representative at High Tech Communications today for your no-charge, no-obligation consultation today at (905)-853-2335. For more information, visit our website at: