Thursday 21 May 2015

ShoreTel Mobility and the Apple Watch

ShoreTel recently announced their new version of ShoreTel Mobility that is designed for the Apple watch. While I think this is pretty cool (I use ShoreTel Mobility on my Android Smartphone today), I like the fact this article spoke about other applications that were relevant to the everyday business user.

Now, I am the first person to wonder why I need an Apple Watch…What will it give me that will make my life easier? This article actually did steer me into the direction of wanting this new gadget.

Why? Well…Being a person that delivers a ton of presentations, and occasionally has brilliant thoughts at random intervals throughout the day, this device has the perfect app for handling both. Read on through to see what I am talking about:

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Health Care Professionals Are in Need of Better Communication Technology

When I read the attached article, I could only nod my head and agree. High Tech Communications Inc. works with a large number of health care facilities from small Doctor offices to a few large Hospitals, and we see the struggle these institutions have with their technology. Often budgets are not there to make the desperately needed improvements that would allow the facility and its staff to become more productive, and it is scary how long it could go on before these updates are implemented.

With constant cuts to budget and staffing, I believe the improvement to overall health care in this province must come from multiple sources and multiple approaches. One of those approaches should be to better enable the staff that are on the front line by equipping them with technology to make their tasks easier and enable them to become more productive. If you agree let me know, if you don’t I would love to hear your take on this issue also.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Top Ways Businesses Should Manage Mobile Workers

When I read articles posted by our partner, ShoreTel, I traditionally think Telecom and Unified Communications - as do many of our clients. However, I read this and I was a little taken aback, but in a good way. In bold is a statistic, "24.7 percent saving on fuel costs". First things first, why is ShoreTel talking about fuel savings?

It's not less time on the road because they saved three minutes per day over fifty users talking 25% less to someone somewhere. It's an app one of their clients deployed and integrated into their mobile application that traditionally was used for eliminating the roaming charges on cell phones.

Really? That's pretty cool. The article also talks about establishing policies, but that's a given. Take a read, and once you are done, call High Tech - because we would love to chat about this to get out of the day-to-day traditional conversations.

Why Your Network Isn't Ready for the Internet of Things

Why your Network isn't ready for the Internet of Things... Interesting title for an article. Essentially, it's stating that Avaya's SDN Fx technology is the answer to the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) issue within corporations.

Personally, I believe they do have a point. We have been deploying Avaya IP for some time and they have some great products. But... What else is out there? I really enjoy being in the position to recommend technology that suits the client while not being bound to a single manufacturer. I prefer taking a 10,000 foot approach and working with a client to better understand what they want and design it for them, then dig deeper.

We work with a number of solutions that seem to change on an hourly basis. Therefore, understanding the core of what they do and how they fit is extremely important to ensuring a successful integration into the culture of our clients' business.

With all that said, we have nothing but good things to say about our business partner, Avaya, and their networking technology is something to read about... So read on:

Tuesday 5 May 2015

What is SIP Trunking?

In the ever changing world of technology, our clients look to find the better, faster, cheaper methods to communicate. One surefire way to lower your monthly operational expense is to explore the world of SIP trunking. One of our partners, OneConnect, recently posted this article that describes SIP trunking and some of the benefits associated with the technology.

Now, as a value added vendor who has recommended, installed, and repaired SIP trunking issues; I have to say that yes... SIP trunking is something that we recommend clients explore, BUT, not jump right into without first clearly understanding the risks (and rewards) this technology will offer.

So, what are these risks and rewards? Well, they differ depending on the needs and wants of the client, so it's sort of impossible to list them all. In fact, I will mention only one of each because this deserves and entire afternoon of discussion on a sunny patio somewhere. That being said, the biggest benefit of SIP Trunking is definitely cost. This technology can and should save you in monthly cost if the network you are running on is already in place. Even if it's not, partners like OneConnect make it easy to get there. On the other side of the matter, the biggest risk to SIP Trunking is networking. The network you ride your SIP Trunk across must be solid and well provisioned if anything at all. Will a standard DSL service handle the call volume of a 40 user call center? No secret here... not a chance. However, there are cost effective ways of reducing and eliminating this element of risk that clients have been, and should continue to explore.

Monday 4 May 2015

Finding Balance at Work and Home

Today’s discussion takes a leap far, far away from the technology and solution set that High Tech represents. This topic addresses something much more important, something that drives the High Tech working culture. 

Throughout my career, up until only a few years ago, I did a poor job of maintaining a healthy work / life balance.  I drove myself to the brink many days and nights thinking that spending that extra 2-3 hours would provide a better life for myself, my family, friends, and co-workers.  It took some pretty deep soul searching to realize I was looking at this the wrong way and that my life was anything but healthy and productive.  For the past few years as a Manager and VP I have tried to instill a healthy balance in for myself and my family, and I have taken that message to all of the employees I manage and interact with on a daily basis.

In addition, I took it one step further where I moved to work with a company that instills the same mentality in their working environment.  Now, there are days where that all goes out the window, but in general the focus on family is paramount to staying healthy both in mind and body.  By doing so you are not only living a better life outside of work…but you are living a better, more productive life in the office.

Please take a moment to read the attached article and pass it on to those that you care about and work with.  If your office does not recognize the value of a healthy work / life balance then take steps to make that change.  My two favourite points are around taking proper breaks (remember to eat often) and that stress crosses many boundaries and work stress comes home and has a direct influence over mental and family health.