Wednesday 26 August 2015

The Rising Importance of Video Surveillance

It isn’t often I write up about the new camera technology we see every day. I should, as it is a part of our business that fascinates me, but I don’t think it gets enough attention because it seems to be a “been there - done that” type of business. Surveillance technology has been around for a long time, thereby, I think what gets forgotten is the fact that it too changes daily and the stuff we see is amazing.

I read an article written by Jill Delaney from our partner, Exacq Technologies, and on the surface it seems boring, just another dome camera. But what you read when you get into this article along with the video - is insane. So much so that homeowners like myself should start taking this seriously.  Facial recognition in low light / high contrast situations could mean an end to security breaches, theft, curb violence and vandalism and, therefore, provide piece of mind.  Now, of course the Big Brother theory will get tossed around, but there is a happy medium in there somewhere. Especially given the fact the Internet has proven time and time again that Big Brother is already here and in our face, whether we like it or not. 

Every company out there should look into video surveillance, invest in video surveillance, and utilize it more frequently. Click through our website or call us to find out more. Here is the article on the new camera I looked at recently:

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