Wednesday 15 July 2015

Finding the Best Cloud Storage for You

Our marketing team found the attached article, I thought it was a good read and wanted to share it out with our followers. Now, High Tech does not often get into the sale of cloud storage so you may wonder why this topic has come up. The answer is simple: Technology is so tightly intertwined that we often get into value conversations with our clients on every aspect of their business. Knowing what (or where) to the answer is important even if this is not part of your business. I pride myself and our firm for helping companies locate useful information. When business’s look for storage we talk SAN and VM Servers and Terabits, but more often than not the users themselves just need something and send a large PowerPoint to a client or share an Excel file real time across the city. This easily solves those business related issues.

Now, back to the article. At the very end, the most important set of points can be found in the summary. High Tech uses multiple options here from Dropbox to iCloud to OneDrive, and to be honest, each person will say theirs is better than someone else’s for whatever reason. I am a Google fan, I use Google Drive. My kids use iCloud as they are iPhone/iPod users. After reading it and evaluating my own requirements I realize that they are all great, for the most part free, and will provide most people with more storage then they will ever use in their lifetime. Just make sure that when you choose one (or more than one), the other parties you intend to use it with (if this is for business) can access it as easily as you can.

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