Wednesday 6 May 2015

Why Your Network Isn't Ready for the Internet of Things

Why your Network isn't ready for the Internet of Things... Interesting title for an article. Essentially, it's stating that Avaya's SDN Fx technology is the answer to the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) issue within corporations.

Personally, I believe they do have a point. We have been deploying Avaya IP for some time and they have some great products. But... What else is out there? I really enjoy being in the position to recommend technology that suits the client while not being bound to a single manufacturer. I prefer taking a 10,000 foot approach and working with a client to better understand what they want and design it for them, then dig deeper.

We work with a number of solutions that seem to change on an hourly basis. Therefore, understanding the core of what they do and how they fit is extremely important to ensuring a successful integration into the culture of our clients' business.

With all that said, we have nothing but good things to say about our business partner, Avaya, and their networking technology is something to read about... So read on:

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