Monday 4 May 2015

Finding Balance at Work and Home

Today’s discussion takes a leap far, far away from the technology and solution set that High Tech represents. This topic addresses something much more important, something that drives the High Tech working culture. 

Throughout my career, up until only a few years ago, I did a poor job of maintaining a healthy work / life balance.  I drove myself to the brink many days and nights thinking that spending that extra 2-3 hours would provide a better life for myself, my family, friends, and co-workers.  It took some pretty deep soul searching to realize I was looking at this the wrong way and that my life was anything but healthy and productive.  For the past few years as a Manager and VP I have tried to instill a healthy balance in for myself and my family, and I have taken that message to all of the employees I manage and interact with on a daily basis.

In addition, I took it one step further where I moved to work with a company that instills the same mentality in their working environment.  Now, there are days where that all goes out the window, but in general the focus on family is paramount to staying healthy both in mind and body.  By doing so you are not only living a better life outside of work…but you are living a better, more productive life in the office.

Please take a moment to read the attached article and pass it on to those that you care about and work with.  If your office does not recognize the value of a healthy work / life balance then take steps to make that change.  My two favourite points are around taking proper breaks (remember to eat often) and that stress crosses many boundaries and work stress comes home and has a direct influence over mental and family health.

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